Surge Simulator
Showing 13–24 of 25 results
Surge Simulator
Low Voltage Combination Wave Lightning
Model:CWS 120
The CWS 120 is designed specially for simulating low voltage surge pulse disturbances phenomenon, which can be used in surge protection device.
Model:CWS 120
The CWS 120 is designed specially for simulating low voltage sur
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Lightning Surge
Model:CWS 600G
Lightning surge simulator CWS 600G is generated during thundering weathers or opening/closing of electrical switches.
Model:CWS 600G
Lightning surge simulator CWS 600G is generated during thunderi
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Lightning Surge
Model:CWS 1000CT
CWS 1000CT combination wave lightning surge simulator is a high-end test equipment specially designed for simulating surge pulse interference, which can generate high-voltage pulse waveforms of 1.2/50μs, 8/20μs, 10/700μs and 5/320μs.
Model:CWS 1000CT
CWS 1000CT combination wave lightning surge simulator is a hi
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Surge Simulator CWS
Model:CWS xxxCT Series
The Telecom Surge Simulator_IEC 61000-4-5 Generator CWS xxxCT series is specially designed to simulate surge pulses interference and capable of producing combination waveform 1.2/50 μs, 8/20 μs.
Model:CWS xxxCT Series
The Telecom Surge Simulator_IEC 61000-4-5 Generator CWS
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Surge Simulator
Low Voltage Combination Wave Lightning
Model:CWS 120G
The CWS 120G series is a high-end testing equipment specifically designed to simulate low-voltage surge pulse interference phenomena.
Model:CWS 120G
The CWS 120G series is a high-end testing equipment specificall
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Simulator CWS 120CT
Model:CWS 120CT
CWS 120CT is a high-end testing equipment specially designed to simulate the phenomenon of low-voltage surge pulse interference.
Model:CWS 120CT
CWS 120CT is a high-end testing equipment specially designed t
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Surge Simulator
Automatic lightening surge simulator SG
SG-968G automatic lightening surge simulator is based on 3ctest third-generation intelligent multi-functional simulator.
SG-968G automatic lightening surge simulator is based on 3ctest
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Surge Simulator CWS
Model: CWS 600CT
Designed according to IEC 61000-4-5 and ITU K.17, the Combination Wave Surge Simulator CWS 600CT can simulate the surges (impulse) caused by switching and lightning.
Model: CWS 600CT
Designed according to IEC 61000-4-5 and ITU K.17, the Combinati
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Surge Simulator
Low Voltage Combination Wave Lightning
Model:CWS 3G
The Low Voltage Combination Wave Lightning Surge Simulator CWS 3G is specially designed for simulating low voltage surge pulse disturbances phenomenon.
Model:CWS 3G
The Low Voltage Combination Wave Lightning Surge Simulator CWS 3G
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave/Surge Simulator CWS 600/800/1000
Model:CWS 60/600/800/1000
Surge Simulator_Surge Immunity Generator CWS 600 series combination wave lightning surge simulator is specially designed to simulate the surge impulse interference, which totally satisfy the immunity testing requirement of CE and CCC approval to single-phase EUT.
Model:CWS 60/600/800/1000
Surge Simulator_Surge Immunity Generator CWS 600 ser
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Surge Simulator
Combination Wave Simulator CWS x00G/SPN xxT Series
Model:CWS X00G/SPN 38XXT
The Combination Wave Surge Simulator CWS x00G/SPN xxT series is a particularly designed system for the surge immunity tests for three phase EUTs with automatic switching of external CDN.
Model:CWS X00G/SPN 38XXT
The Combination Wave Surge Simulator CWS x00G/SPN xxT
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Surge Simulator
High voltage high-power intelligent CWS 600G/SPN 15100T
Model:CWS 600G/SPN 15100T
CWS 600G/SPN 15100T is a specially designed system which can fully meet CE and CCC.
Model:CWS 600G/SPN 15100T
CWS 600G/SPN 15100T is a specially designed system w
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